Open to Women of all abilities, the Par-Tee Gals League offers a nine-hole round of golf on the Par 3 golf course, focusing on fun and social golf, with a little competition too. The social goal of the league is for everyone to get to know everyone! So, every week you will be randomly paired with different women and at a different time from 6:00 to 6:50 pm on Tuesday nights. You will get your tee time and pairings the Sunday before each Tuesday, so you will know beforehand what your tee time is and who you’re playing with.
This is meant to be a no-stress, fun league! For example, we play by these modified rules:
Time-savers – Play Ready Golf:
• Tee off in any order you’d like.
• You don’t have to be furthest away to hit your next shot (as long as it’s safe).
• On the green, you don’t have to mark your ball if it’s not in anyone’s line of putt.
• Continue putting until you hole-out (you don’t have to mark your ball and wait).
Water Rules:
• Hole #1 – If your ball goes into the water, take a penalty stroke and play your next shot within two club-lengths of where your ball entered the water; closer to the hole is OK.
• Hole #4 – If your ball goes into the water, take a penalty stroke and play your next shot on the other side of the water from inside the drop area circle.
Fun Rules:
• It’s okay to give yourself a better lie by rolling the ball with your club to within 6 inches of your original location.
• It’s okay to throw the ball out of the sand bunker after 1 try. (Or throw it out and add 1 stroke.)
• Maximum on any hole is six strokes.
Here is a breakdown of what the league offers:
• For Women of all abilities, focusing on fun and social golf.
• 9 holes on the Par 3 golf course.
• Golf on ten consecutive Tuesdays beginning June 4th.
• Tee times from 6:00 – 6:50 pm. League golfers are the last on the course…no one is allowed on the course after the league.
• An event is scheduled every week, with prizes awarded.
• Guest Day in July.
• A different “Tip on the Tee” every week on the 1st tee by Golf Professional Patricia Brindle.
• A “Swamp Ball” to use on the #4 water hole. Every time you make it over the water, you’re in our year-end “Sink or Swim” raffle!
• Wine, beverages, sandwiches, cheese, crackers and snacks are served on The Finale. (Shotgun start at 6:00 pm for everyone).
• Cost is $95.00. Includes prizes and the Finale.
• Greens Fee is $13.00, and you pay the day you play.
• Can’t make it? Let us know by the Friday before each Tuesday.
• Tee Times and pairings emailed the Sunday before each Tuesday.